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myFolio Roles: Supervisors, Collaborators, and Groups

Description of myFolio Roles

Users within myFolio can have a variety of roles assigned to them. The two visualizations below define  said roles and provide guidance and examples for the type of school personnel typically associated with each role type. 

Supervisors, Collaborators, Groups ()_8918776184471

Supervisors, Collaborators, Groups ()_8918741701271



To reach the Supervisor Assignment page, click the "Manage" dropdown and then "Supervisor Assignment".

The Supervisor Assignment page allows you to:

  • add new supervisors and assign their direct reports
  • add/remove employees as direct reports to existing supervisors
  • remove or reassign supervisors

Note: Users may only have one direct supervisor assignment in Folio. 

Supervisor Set-Up Steps

  1. From the Supervisor Assignment page, click the "New Supervisor" button.
  2. Type the new Supervisor’s name or use the search feature to find and select the new Supervisor’s name from the drop-down list.
  3. Click one or more employees from the faculty and staff window on the right to assign direct reports to this Supervisor.
  4. A checkmark will appear to indicate the employee is a direct report.
  5. To remove an employee as a direct report, click their name to deselect them.
  6. Click the drop-down arrow to filter for unassigned employees or search by name to find them.
  7. Click Save Supervisor to create the new Supervisor.

Changing an existing Supervisor

Use these steps when you want to change the supervisor, but keep all or most of the existing direct reports.
  1. From the Supervisor Assignment page, click the name of the existing Supervisor.
  2. Delete the name of the existing Supervisor and type the name of the new Supervisor. You can also click the “View All Employees” and select a name from the list.
  3. Click “Save Supervisor” to save your changes.


Groups and Group Viewers

Groups allow users to gain full access to another employees profile information, notes, and survey data. 

Important Information about Groups:

  • Groups essentially create a second supervisor. 
  • Groups can have more than one Group Viewer.
  • Groups should be created and populated with users using Group Builder BEFORE Group Viewers are assigned.
  • Users may belong to multiple groups and compare their survey data with any group data for which they are a Group member.
  • Group membership is indicated on the user's Profile page and supervisor Roll Call pages.

Group Builder

To reach the Group Builder page, click the "Manage" dropdown and then "Group Builder".

Group Builder allows you to create new groups and manage the faculty and staff members assigned to new or existing groups. 

Group Set-Up Steps
  1. From the Group Builder page, click the "+ New Group" button.
  2. Type a name for the new Group.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow to select the larger group to which your new group belongs, if necessary.  (This allows you to create a hierarchical Group structure, similar to Supervisor Assignment.)
  4. Click an employee from the Faculty/Staff window on the right to add them to your new group (A checkmark will appear. Click the employee again to deselect).
  5. Click the drop-down to filter by groups or search by name to find them.
  6. To save the new Group, click Save Group.

Group Viewers

To reach the Group Viewers page, click the "Manage" dropdown and then "Group Viewers"

Assigning Group Viewers allows you to grant profile, notes, and Survey visibility to Folio users who fall outside of a Direct Report’s supervisory chain. 

Assign/Remove a Group Viewer:
  1. From the Group Viewer page, click the group on the left-hand side to assign/remove a Group Viewer.
  2. Once the pop-up is displayed, click a Viewer from the window on the right to assign to your group (A checkmark will appear.  Click the Viewer again to deselect).
  3. You may assign one or more Viewers to a Group
  4. Click "Save Viewers" when complete



To reach the Manage Collaborations page, click the "Manage" dropdown and then "Collaborations"

Collaborations in myFolio are designed to increase collaboration while still limiting visibility. Collaborators may be granted the authority to publish any of the Note Types. They can also view an employee's Profile and Goals. However, they cannot see any Notes between the employee and their supervisors. They also cannot see the employee’s Surveys, Resources, Projects, or Teaching Assignments.

myFolio allows you to assign your direct reports or those you have been assigned as a Group Viewer the authority to collaborate with other colleagues.  This authority will give your employees access to Publish any of the Note Types that you have selected.   They will be able to view and comment on only those Notes that they have published.  To assign Collaboration, follow the steps below:

Collaborator Set-up Steps

  1. From the Manage Collaborations page, select the employee you would like to grant collaboration authority to (the "Collaborator") from the Employee drop-down list.
  2. Select the Colleague(s) from the "Contributes to" drop-down list with whom the Employee (Collaborator) will be collaborating. 
  3. Grant Collaborators the authority to publish any of the Note types by checking the appropriate checkbox.
  4. Check the "Mutual Collaboration" checkbox to set up a two-way collaboration.
  5. Click the "Create Collaboration" button when complete. 



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