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Professional Development

Description and Utility

The Professional Development (PD) feature on myFolio provides staff and faculty with an intuitive platform to document, submit, track completion of, and reflect on professional development activities. 

  • Approval workflow for PD items can be configured by the school's myFolio Admin. 
  • myFolio has a notification icon that will indicate PDs awaiting approval and PDs that have been approved/rejected.
  • The PD Insights page consolidates PD activities and provides summary information, filtering capacity, and data exportation. 


Setting Up Professional Development Approval and Custom Professional Development Form

How to set up the Approval Process as a myFolio School Admin

  • Step 1: Click on the Manage dropdown, then Customizations to reach the Customization Manager.

  • Step 2: Scroll down to the Professional Development section.

  • Step 3 : If you would like to add an additional question for the faculty or staff member to respond to when submitting their Professional Development item, toggle the “Custom Professional Development Field” switch to “On.”

  • Step 4: Decide from the 4 available workflow options:

    • No Approval Required

    • Single Approval from Direct Supervisor

    • Single Approval from an Approver List (Specify below)

    • Double Approval (Supervisor first, Approver(s) second)

  • Step 5: You will need to specify one or more Approvers if you select Single or Double Approval.

    • Do this by typing the user's name into the "Professional Development Approvers" box and then selecting the respective individual.

  • Step 7: Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


Professional Development Approval Process for Faculty and Staff

How to submit a Professional Development Item for Approval

  • Step 1: Click on your name in the upper-righthand side of the myFolio landing page and then "Profile"
  • Step 2: You can create a PD item from the "Professional Development" section of your profile page by clicking the "+ ADD PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT" button.
    • After you save a PD, you will be taken to your list of PDs. 
  • Step 3: From the Professional Development page you can either edit or delete the existing PDs. Click on the pencil to edit and the trash can to delete. 
    • When editing a PD item you can submit it for approval by clicking on the "SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL" button at the bottom of the page once all necessary information has been entered. 

You can monitor the status of the PD (Pending Submission, Submitted for Approval, Rejected, and Approved) from the Professional Development page.

You can use the Professional Development Insights page to filter PDs by status. 


Professional Development Approval for Supervisors and Additional Approvers

How to Approve a Professional Development Item Submitted for Approval

As a supervisor or additional approver, you will see a number next to the notification bell in myFolio indicating a PD item is available for approval. Clicking on the bell will show the list of PDs awaiting approval. 

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Steps to Approve a Professional Development item:

  • Step 1: Click on the notification bell to show the list of PDs awaiting approval.
  • Step 2: Click on the particular PD you would like to review to be taken to that specific PD submission. 
  • Step 3: From the PD submission page you will have the option to Approve, Reject, and/or provide feedback on the PD.
    • The feedback field is particularly important when rejecting a PD so as to provide the submitter with context for the decision, including what additional information can be provided to support an approval.

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About the author

The Folio Team

Folio is your partner in facilitating professional growth strategies that last. Our customizable framework empowers school leaders to help their teachers thrive and our platform sustains the process. Originally spun out of McDonogh School and proudly built in Baltimore, Maryland, Folio is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit used by independent schools nationwide.