Description and Utility
Setting up Classroom Observations on the myFolio platform is a multi-step process including toggling on specific focus settings, naming, and setting dates. See below for directions and information.
Steps for the Folio School Admin:
- On the Customization Manager page (Manage-->Customizations) turn on the Observation Focus.
- On the Milestone Manager page (Manage-->Milestones) turn on one or more Observation Milestones.
Steps for the Folio School Admin, or the Folio Data Admin:
- On the Milestone Timeline page (Manage-->Milestone Timeline) give the Classroom Observation Milestone(s) a name (e.g., Spring Observation) and a due date.
- Click the “Update” button to save your changes.
The steps above need to be completed before the next steps can be taken.
Steps for the Folio School Admin or Supervisor:
Now the “Focus” of (Classroom) Observation can be set for individual teachers (or as described below, for multiple teachers at once.) Remember, a Folio user can set the Focus for anyone they can see on their Roll Call page.
For an individual teacher:
- As a supervisor or Folio School Admin find the teacher on your Roll Call page.
- In the “Focus” column, click the “Manage Focus Settings” link. You can see the current Focus Setting for the teacher in this column as well. If it says “Not set for 'XX - 'XX”, this means no Focus has been set for this teacher.
- The “Manage Focus Settings” link will take you to the Focus Setting page. Check the checkbox for the Classroom Observation(s) you want the teacher to have.
- Click the “Update “ button to save your changes.
For multiple teachers at once, follow these steps:
- Click Manage-->Focus Settings.
- Use the filters near the top of the page to select the teachers you want to set the focus for. This could be direct reports of a specific supervisor, members of a group you are a Group Viewer for, or just your direct reports.
- Click one or more of the “Mass Update” buttons to set the Focus for filtered teachers.
- Click the “Update” button to save your changes.
To create a Classroom Observation Note for a teacher (once they have the Focus of Observation) follow these steps:
- As a Supervisor or Group Viewer, find the teacher on your Roll Call page.
- Click the “Add Note” drop-down in the teacher’s row.
- You will be taken to the Classroom Observation Note where you can add the details of the observation.