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Print myFolio History

Employees in myFolio have a way of having a copy of their myFolio data (Profile, Notes, Goals, etc.) They can do this by printing their myFolio history.

This can be done from their Profile page. To reach their profile page employees can follow these steps:

  1. Sign into myFolio.
  2. Click their name in the upper right of the myFolio Homepage.
  3. Click “Profile” in the drop-down menu.
Print myFolio History ()_profile-link


On the right-hand side of their profile page is a Print myFolio History widget. They can select from Profile, Notes, Profile + Notes or History (all of their myFolio data.)

Print myFolio History ()_print-myfolio-history-options


When a user selects an option, they are taken to a web page with that option’s data presented. They can use the browser’s built in print menu to print to paper or to a PDF file for a digital copy.

Supervisors can also reach this Print myFolio History menu from the Roll Call page. For each employee listed in Roll Call there is a Print myFolio History drop-down with the same options.

Print myFolio History ()_print-myfolio-history-roll-call


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