The myFolio platform has a built in approval workflow to track professional development items (conferences, books, etc.). The school's myFolio Admin must toggle this function on and configure the respective mechanisms before faculty and staff can submit PD items for approval.
We have added a notification icon that will indicate PDs awaiting approval, or for the submitter, PDs that have been rejected.
In addition, Supervisors/Approvers receive an email notifying them of the approval request, including the details of the request.
The PD Insights page allows for PD items to be summarized by approval status.
We have added a customizable question field to the Professional Development page so that schools can ask relevant questions such as, “Will you require a substitute?”, “Please list travel costs.”, etc.
As a supervisor or additional approver, you will see a number next to the notification bell in Folio indicating a PD item is available for approval.
Clicking on the bell will show the list of PDs awaiting approval.
Steps to approve a Professional Development item:
You can monitor the status of the PD (Pending Submission, Submitted for Approval, Rejected and Approved) from the individual users’ Professional Development page.
If a PD is rejected, the user that submitted the PD will see a notification by the notification bell.